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 Iman Khalili delves into the life and work of Canadian artist Charlotte Wall to discover her approach and philosophy towards her art and her life. Looking at her life through the same frame as her art practice, Wall shares intriguing lessons learned

Iman Khalili delves into the life and work of Canadian artist Charlotte Wall to discover her approach and philosophy towards her art and her life. Looking at her life through the same frame as her art practice, Wall shares intriguing lessons learned along the way.

Charlotte Wall - Practicing Life (Trailer)

Bread | Series

Bread. The food of life, the promise of revolutions, the daily struggle, the mender of hearts, the creator of wars… If every bread could speak, it would have the wildest tales of love, life and loss. On this series, we chase breads around the world as they tell us what it means to be human.

Episode 1. The Corn People | Bread Series (short segment)

A short segment from Episode 1 of the Bread series that is currently in development.

On this episode we travel to Oaxaca, Mexico, to get a sneak peak into the world of Tortilla.

Welcome to My Life | Series

A web series on unique Canadian-Iranian personalities, each a leader in their own field. Made in collaboration with Blend Media.
Ep. 01 | Ep. 02 | Ep. 03 | Ep. 04

Milton | A Nation's Pride (Short Segment)

Deep in the heartland of Kenya, in the far stretched Masai Mara natural reserve, a community prepares for a very special occasion.

The Maasai Story | A short film

Living with the Maasai of Kenya, I got to witness an incredible level of resilience and dedication. I decided, together with my Maasai family, to create a series of short films to tell their stories, through their own words, as they told me.

This film, simply tries to tell their simple story and current state. It is simply created to bring awareness to their story.

Finding a home in Berlin's Turkish Market.